[Group Buy] VidScratch + OTOs | Explode Opt-in Rates

VidScratch + OTOs group buy & reviews

GroupBuy Price: $12 (from today – 16/11/2019) —> join now to have the best price
$17 if you buy after 16/11/2019.

(You save 68% more than buying directly from the producer)

What is VidScratch?

VidScratch is a new software helps create irresistible “VIDEO SCRATCH CARDS” that Explode Opt-in Rates and Send Hot Leads to Any Business.

Use and Resell Revolutionary Gamification ‘Scratch-Off’ Technology that’s Proven to Triple Opt-in and Sales Rates.

Traditional opt-in forms, “lead magnets” and money-off coupons are dead…
and every day you use them, your clients are growing more frustrated because you’re burning their money (and your own) letting traffic and leads slip away.

Welcome to a brand new world of lead generation (and insane opt-in rates…)

Gamification is the key to getting website visitors more relaxed and more likely to engage with our opt-in form and brand in general.

See, ordinary squeeze pages and popups have been shown so many people have developed ‘banner-blindness’ to them and the gift they get in exchange for their information becomes devalued.

HOWEVER, when a visitor is confronted with a chance to win something ie: like when playing the lottery, the perceived value of the prize goes up tremendously.

Combine that with eye-catching graphics and video and now you have something that will really get visitors’ attention and get them to interact with your brand!

Tap into people’s natural greed and curiosity with a brand new “scratch card” video email capture technology that people can’t resist.

Help skyrocket your traffic, leads, and sales with this 100% unique “gamification” tool (and double your agency profits by selling access to it for any price you want!)

Step 1: Create a Scratch Off Card from DFY Templates or From Scratch
Step 2: Your Vistors “Scratch” To Reveal Their Prize
Step 3: Your Visitors Enter Their Email to Claim Their Prize


A Few of the Amazing Features Users Will Get Include:

  • Create a Scratch Off Card from DFY Templates or From Scratch.
  • Easy Drag/Drop Interface – Create fully customized scratch-off games with video interaction in just minutes.
  • Gorgeous DFY Templates – Get editable, DFY scratch-card game templates in the hottest local niches.
  • Sell for Any Price You Want – Sell as a service or sell access to the app for any price you choose including a monthly fee.
  • Embed Anywhere You Want.
  • Deep Analytics Included.
  • Add Your Own or Other People’s Videos for More Interaction.
  • Fully Mobile Responsive, GDPR Compliant.
  • Unsplash & Pexels Integration.
  • Enable/Disable 2-Step Autoresponder Option.
  • Integrates with all Autoresponders.

and more!

Check The VidScratch Demo!

VidScratch Review | VidScratch group buy with cheapest price

VidScratch sale funnels:

FE – VidScratch Agency – $49: https://vidscratch.io/yes/
OTO1 – VidScratch Platinum – $49: https://vidscratch.io/platinum
OTO2 – VidScratch Enterprise – $97: https://vidscratch.io/enterprise

VidScratch Group Buy:

Total Cost per Each Participant: (includes Paypal fee)
$12 (from today – 16/11/2019) —> join now to have the good price
$17 if you buy after 16/11/2019.

VidScratch groupbuy Payment link:


You have:
Access To VidScratch (FE + OTOs).
Your auto-update & lifetime.

Please comment or message me if you have a question.


PS. If you want to find another Designer software, you can find this our group buys:

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