[Group Buy] Playboost | New Technology or Not

Playboost group buy & reviews

Hi, too many people contact me to ask about Playboost so I made this article.

What is Playboost?

Playboost is a tool that solves the Auto-Play shutdown problem.
Just like VidSkippy… is an overlay video tool that they automatically place your animated thumbnail over ALL your videos.

So if you bought VidSkippy, you don’t need to buy this new product.

Auto-Play is Disabled Across All Major Browsers. If you embed a video on your site, it will don’t auto-play the same as in the past.

Playboost solves this issue by allowing you to create captivating animated thumbnails for the video placed on your websites, landing pages, eCom stores or any other web page. You simply need to create their campaign inside of Playboost and place one line of code. Playboost will automatically detect your existing video and ‘blanket’ their brand new animated thumbnail over their existing video (…no editing/re-uploading/replacing embed codes)!

This helps capture the attention of visitors, calls them to action to ‘click play’ and creates a great experience for your brand.

Playboost updates a new feature: Text-to-Speech Technology at their Pro version, but it doesn’t make much sense.

AND CONCLUDE – Just like VidSkippy – Playboost has more modern graphics but fewer features than VidSkippy.

Check The Playboost Demo!

Playboost Review | Playboost groupbuy with cheapest price

Playboost sale funnels:

FE – Playboost – $27: https://getplayboost.com/
OTO1 – Playboost Pro – $67: https://getplayboost.com/pro/
OTO2 – Playboost Agency – $67: https://getplayboost.com/agency/

Playboost Group Buy:

Basically, Playboost is same as some old products. They only change a bit of interface and graphics than others. So I didn’t GB this product.

So if you really want this product or you want overlay video tool, you can to buy our VidSkippy (and save much your money) here: https://marketingtoolkit.net/vidskippy-2-0-otos/

Please comment or message me if you have a question.


PS. Please give me your opinion. We need to talk to learn from each other.

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